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Business Controller at Business Sweden, Stockholm

Business ControllerStockholm

Do you want to work in an international environment that helps Swedish companies grow their global sales and supports international companies in investing and expanding in Sweden? Business Sweden is now looking to recruit a Business Controller who will have the opportunity to work proactively with financial analysis and processes to support the business. We are looking for someone who is analytical, solution-oriented, and eager to drive internal projects.

Business Sweden was founded on January 1, 2013, through the merger of the Swedish Trade Council and Invest Sweden. The organization has approximately 550 employees, with about 100 based at its headquarters in Stockholm. As a Business Controller, you will be part of the Finance team, working both strategically and operationally. You will also have regional responsibilities.

Your responsibilities will include:

  • Monitoring and analyzing financial results and key performance indicators
  • Leading budget and forecasting processes
  • Conducting financial analyses and preparing decision-making materials
  • Supporting local finance teams with various financial matters and analyses
  • Improving and overseeing reporting routines and processes
  • Developing and optimizing financial management, planning, and follow-up procedures
  • Taking part in digitalization projects and leading various internal initiatives

Your Profile
We are looking for someone with a degree in finance, economics, or a related field and at least five years of experience in controlling. You have previous experience managing budget and forecasting processes and enjoy working closely with business operations. Additionally, you have experience in project management, process development, and BI system implementation. You have excellent communication skills in both spoken and written English.

As a person, you are analytical, business-minded, and proactive. You have the ability to independently translate complex data into valuable business insights that drive and challenge operational decision-making. Furthermore, you are creative, adaptable, and solution-oriented, with a strong sense of commitment, excellent communication skills, and the ability to collaborate effectively. You take a consultative approach, maintain a positive attitude, and thrive in a fast-paced environment. In this recruitment process, we place great emphasis on personal qualities.

Business Sweden is not a typical consultancy firm. In addition to supporting individual Swedish companies, we have a government mandate to promote Swedish exports and attract international investments to Sweden. We hope you will join Business Sweden!

How to Apply
For this recruitment, Business Sweden is partnering with Mpya Finance. Please submit your application as soon as possible, as we review applications and conduct interviews on an ongoing basis. For any questions regarding the position, feel free to contact Malin Skotte at malin.skotte@mpya.se.

About Business Sweden
Sweden is a global leader in innovation, sustainability, collaboration, and equality. These strengths create a powerful platform for success in an increasingly purpose-driven world. With a unique mandate from the Swedish government and private sector, we help both international and Swedish companies leverage these advantages to drive green, inclusive, and digital growth – in Sweden and around the world.

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Om Business Sweden

Business Sweden ägs gemensamt av svenska staten och det svenska privata näringslivet. De har gett oss ett unikt mandat att hjälpa internationella företag att få tillgång till den svenska marknaden och hjälpa svenska företag att använda landet som en plattform för internationell expansion. Vi arbetar med allt från start-ups och små- och medelstora företag till multinationella bolag – med skräddarsydda tjänster för samtliga av dessa. Vi har ett holistiskt synsätt och erbjuder både praktisk support, strategisk expertis samt en unik kapacitet att öppna dörrar där de annars skulle vara stängda, både i Sverige och via våra 44 kontor i Europa, Nord- och Sydamerika, Mellanöstern & Afrika och Asien. Vår kombination av expertis, närvaro och exklusiva access till olika nätverk och beslutsfattare inom både offentlig och privat verksamhet i dessa regioner ger oss en överlägsen förmåga att hjälpa våra kunder navigera i regionala affärsstrukturer och hjälpa dem att expandera deras affärsverksamhet. Kort sagt, vi hjälper företag att förvandla möjligheter till verklighet.

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